Wednesday, 23 September 2020

We have our pitch?


A lady supposedly goes on vacation and when her house is broken into her body is found floating in her pool.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Partnering Up

 Hey guys I'm back at it again. So today's blog is basically going to be about who I decided to work with. My teachers gave us the option to work by ourselves or work with a partner or group of people. Normally I would've automatically joined a group. However, due to covid 19 that wasn't the case. At first I was considering working by myself for obvious safety reasons. Then my teachers put out a list for all A level students to see to choose if they would like to work with anyone on the list. I was still leaning more towards working by myself until I saw someone's name that I knew. I saw the name Jasmine and I remembered I had a class with her freshman year and we worked together before. She was a good partner to work with so I decided to text her. After communicating with her the two of us decided we would work together. Instead of doing a group of 4 we decided to just stick to two people. With two people in a group we'll still be able to split the work. For example, since were at home one person will film at their house with their family members or friends as our film actors and the other person would edit and write the blogs. If we the covid 19 cases continue to decline then of course we will try to meet up with each other in person to film. Jasmine and I plan on brain storming ideas of what we want our film to be about this upcoming weekend. So far I've been considering doing a murder mystery or a domestic violence theme. I know I want it to fall in the thriller or horror category for sure. I haven't heard any of Jasmine's ideas yet. When I do hear them I might even have a change of heart. Nothing has been finalized yet but it will be soon. The sooner we choose an idea the sooner we can get started on planning out everything. I'm so excited for this I literally can't wait to get started !

Monday, 14 September 2020

Welcome Back Blog

I guess this is my welcome back to blogging. It's a new school year and I'm now in the A level AICE Media class. I can definitely say it's a big change but I'm ready to take on this new challenge. Last year covid 19 struck the U.S. so schools were permanently closed for the rest of the school year. After the shutting down of schools I had to complete my AICE Media project online. It was a challenge but my group members and I made it work. I ended up passing the class as well as the Cambridge test. My final grade was a B and I scored an E on the exam. I was beyond thankful for that. However, this year I want to do better than I did last year. I expect to have an A in the class every quarter and I expect to score at least a C or higher this time. Today my teacher explained what our final project was. I think this project will teach me many new things. I've never created a website before so I'm extremely excited about that. I've also never used Facebook before so using the app should be an interesting experience for me. I say this because most teens only use Snapchat, Twitter, or Instagram. I'm also excited about filming and editing this year. I haven't figured out whether or not I will be working in a group or not but as of right now I'm planning on working alone. I've had several ideas about what I want my 5 minute film to be on. Although, I have a number of ideas none seem to jump out to me. Hopefully I'll have picked an idea for my film by next week.